A newer student to my classroom, the beautiful Sukie Baxter, is a Rolfer and bloggess extraordinaire. She wrote a blog post about back and neck pain and simple ways to relieve the aches and pains, and improve our daily posture. As a lover of all things posture-related, I really enjoyed her take on this topic, and wanted to share it with you. I have found that being a tribal bellydancer, my increased awareness of my posture, and knowledge of the anatomy which supports good posture, has been a boon to me. But it hasn't saved me from falling to the same bad habits at times in my everyday life. Sukie makes an excellent point about our everyday awareness of the back of our bodies and why we lack it in this day and age: "Look around you and you’ll notice a lot of people who sit with their heads forward, rounded shoulders and a collapsed chest. Computers, television, driving, and almost everything else that we do during our daily lives, make us focus forward and forget about the back half of our bodies. We lose awareness of this space entirely and fall into our front halves. READ THE FULL POST ON DEEPROOTSDANCE.COM ... >Leer más.