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Fuente: The Bellydance Blog | 16 Sep 2013 | 5:55 pm

In the last week, I decided to make a new dance bra. My older ones don’t fit as well as they should and I felt like they weren’t very adjustable. We have a performance coming up in October and I wanted something that I at least felt comfortable in. So I went to the fabric shop, saw awesome fabric and bought it. I then realised I needed faux suede to go with my new fabric and bought some the next day. I spent my evenings making and embellishing this bra, and finished it in a couple of days! Here is the bra I have been working on: This is also the first time I’ve ever lined a bra! I realised half-way through that my last bra “how-to” got pinned on Pinterest a couple of times and it had brought lots of people to my blog. Since I was half way through and hadn’t taken any photos of said bra, I decided once the work craziness has died down a bit (October-ish) I will do a tutorial for my blog. With prettier pictures and proper step-by-step instructions. (After all, prettier pictures means getting Pinned more often!) In this upcoming tutorial, what would you like to see discussed?  I also have some cool ideas for blog posts, so hopefully after the tutorial and work-craziness I’ll be able to post some more. :) x
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